munisation Programme from this month,

 ndia (SII) will start supplying Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) to the Union government for the Universal Immunisation Programme from this month, becoming the first indigenous company to do so, official sources said on Tuesday. The Union Health Ministry has recently placed a purchase order with SII for 54 lakh doses of IPV vaccine.

So far, the government was dependent on Sanofi, a foreign pharmaceutical company for supplying IPV to the universal immunisation programme.

“I wish to inform you that our firm, Serum Insti

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websites / 1 Comtute of India has become the first Indian manufacturer to supply Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine (IPV) to MoHFW which will protect children of our country from Poliomyelitis disease," Prakash Kumar Singh, Director, Government and Regulatory Affairs at SII communicated to the Health Ministry recently.

The IPV of SII is World Health Organisation pre-qualified for supplies to various co


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